Matt, Author at Dog Bed 360 Helping you Find the perfect dog bed Sat, 25 Mar 2023 11:56:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Matt, Author at Dog Bed 360 32 32 199452284 Why do dogs scratch the carpet Fri, 24 Mar 2023 13:35:31 +0000 Dogs are beloved pets for millions of people around the world. However, as much as we love them, there are certain behaviors that can be frustrating for pet owners to deal with. One common behavior that many dog owners have to deal with is their furry friend scratching the carpet. But why do dogs scratch […]

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Dogs are beloved pets for millions of people around the world. However, as much as we love them, there are certain behaviors that can be frustrating for pet owners to deal with. One common behavior that many dog owners have to deal with is their furry friend scratching the carpet. But why do dogs scratch the carpet? Let’s explore some possible reasons for this behavior.

  1. Marking Their Territory Dogs have a strong sense of smell, and they use it to communicate with other dogs. When a dog scratches the carpet, they may be trying to mark their territory with their scent. This behavior is particularly common in male dogs who have not been neutered.
  2. Boredom Dogs need mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy and happy. If they don’t have enough to do, they may start to engage in destructive behaviors like scratching the carpet. If you suspect that your dog is scratching the carpet out of boredom, try increasing their exercise and playtime.
  3. Separation Anxiety Dogs are social animals, and they can become anxious when they are left alone for long periods of time. If your dog only scratches the carpet when you are away, it may be a sign that they are experiencing separation anxiety. In this case, it’s important to address the underlying anxiety through training and possibly medication.
  4. Medical Issues In some cases, dogs may scratch the carpet because they are experiencing a medical issue. For example, allergies, skin irritations, or parasites can cause itching and discomfort, which may lead to scratching. If you suspect that your dog’s scratching is due to a medical issue, it’s important to take them to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
  5. Habit Finally, dogs may scratch the carpet simply because it has become a habit. For example, if they have been doing it for a long time and it has not been corrected, it may become a go-to behavior for them when they are feeling restless or bored. In this case, it’s important to work with your dog to break the habit through training and positive reinforcement.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why dogs scratch the carpet. Whether it’s marking their territory, boredom, separation anxiety, medical issues, or habit, it’s important for pet owners to identify the underlying cause and take steps to address it. By understanding why your dog is engaging in this behavior, you can work with them to find a solution that keeps both you and your furry friend happy and healthy.

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How do I know if my dog has a uti? Tue, 24 Jan 2023 13:07:21 +0000 Sometime over the course of having your dog they will get under the weather from time to time There can be many symptoms that might lead you to ask: how do I know if my dog has a uti? Of course we must put up the DISCLAIMER that we are not veterinary professionals, we are […]

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Sometime over the course of having your dog they will get under the weather from time to time There can be many symptoms that might lead you to ask: how do I know if my dog has a uti? Of course we must put up the DISCLAIMER that we are not veterinary professionals, we are simply pet owners that are giving you the information and warning signs to look out for. If you are concerned about your dog, please contact a veterinary professional immediately. But before you do you may want to read about some of the common signs to know if your dog has a uti infection.

What is a Uti?

A urinary tract infection most often happens when bacteria enters through the urethra and gets into the dog’s bladder. Urinary tract infections can happen over a dog’s lifetime as a one off event, or it may be an indicator of an underlying issue. Infections can vary in their severity so here are some signs to look out for when you suspect that your fur baby might have a uti.

Housetraining mishaps

It can be very frustrating when your dog has an accident in the house. But before you get too out of sorts, you may want to consider your dog’s history as a baseline for behavior. If your dog has occasional accidents, then you may want to consider this before you get too worried. If your dog is like ours and would rather cuddle with a cat then go potty in the house then you definitely will want to put your detective cap on and monitor your dog closely.

Potty Frequency

No one knows your dog like you, so you should monitor the frequency of their potty breaks if you suspect your dog has a urinary tract infection. One of the earliest signs of a uti is frequent potty breaks. If your dog is asking to go outside more than usual than this is a sign that you need to pay close attention to what is going on with your fur baby.

Pain during urination

Another surefire sign that your dog may have an infection is if they show pain or discomfort when urinating. This will once again be an indicator for some dogs but perhaps not for others. Just like people some dogs tend to be “louder” or more expressive, while others are so stoic you would never read from their actions that they are in pain. When urinary tract infections worsen they can produce blood in the urine. This is the time when most dog parents freak out and call their local veterinarian. It can be very scary when this happens, but often it can look scarier than it really is. Definitely contact a Veterinary service if this is happening.

Licking genitals

Urinary tract infections can be very painful, so in an attempt to soothe the inflamed area sometimes dogs will lick their genital area. This is another red flag to watch out for if you suspect that your dog may have an infection.

Lethargy and lack of energy

If you have ever had a urinary tract infection then you know just how painful they can be. It takes a lot of energy for your body to fight off an infection. Dog’s bodies react similarly to ours, as their bodies fight the infection it can cause your dog to become very tired. So this will be another symptom to watch out for if you think your dog has a uti. Pay attention if they are lazing around the house more than usual.

So how do I know if my dog has a uti?

dog veterinarian

The answer is the only way to know for sure is to get your dog’s urine analyzed by a lab. If you call your veterinarian and explain the issue, often they will ask you to obtain a urine sample and bring it in for analysis, or you can have your vet do this for you.

Preventing future infections

The approach you take in preventing future uti infections in your dog will depend on their medical history and assessment by a qualified veterinary professional. If your vet determines that the cause is an underlying health issue than treatment will start with the cause. If this is a first time, or one-off infection than you can prevent future infections by ensuring that your dog has a high quality diet, and the vet may subscribe certain supplements.

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The Best Bed for Small Dogs on Amazon Fri, 11 Mar 2022 19:05:04 +0000 So, a little disclaimer. We love all dogs. But we have a special place in our hearts for small dogs. Having been the owner of a Maltipoo and a Cockapoo we have completely fallen in love with many of the small dog breeds. Small dogs are cuddly creatures but they often come with their own […]

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So, a little disclaimer. We love all dogs. But we have a special place in our hearts for small dogs. Having been the owner of a Maltipoo and a Cockapoo we have completely fallen in love with many of the small dog breeds.

Small dogs are cuddly creatures but they often come with their own challenges over larger dogs. A lot of small dogs are called lapdogs for a reason. They often need to be close to their human a lot more than their larger counterparts.

Doggie anxiety can be problematic and there is no magic bullet, but the right bed for small dogs can do wonders to help with their anxious feelings.

purpose of a dog bed

The Cave Bed

cuddle cave spot ethical pets

The cave bed can be a great solution for your fur baby. This cave-like bed is great for dogs that are particularly cuddly or have anxious behaviors.

Dogs usually naturally seek out places that are covered to provide extra security and the cave bed can give them that sense of safety and security for nap time.

If you really want to implement this bed and create that safe environment for them you definitely want to

Pick a good spot for the bed that is out of the way.

Dogs thrive on routine and order, if you move their napping spot around all the time it won’t help with their feelings of security.

The real question is, will your dog like a cave bed? Although Dogs are all Dogs, they can have as many peculiarities as humans. They come with their own little personalities and preferences so not every dog may take to this  type of bed, but you may want to try it out. If your dog doesn’t like it you can always return it. We do full analysis and comparison of the best cave beds on Amazon. You can check it out here.

The Raised Bed

Raised dog beds are a great choice not just for small dogs but any dogs really, and they come with advantages over traditional dog beds.

First of all, they are much more chew proof than traditional foam and fabric beds. The nature of the design doesn’t provide many inspiring opportunities for chewing.

The fabric is tight with no protruding edges and the frame is usually made with aluminum or similar materials depending on the particular make and model.

Raised beds also perform very well indoors and outdoors. Raised beds don’t have layers of material that can get waterlogged and ruined.

Dog beds that are raised offer other advantages for small dogs as well.

Offering a raised surface can go a long way to making your dog feel more comfortable when it is time to sleep.

Our Cockapoo Saki (RIP) was black and when he was a puppy sometimes he would sleep on the floor. When the lights were dim he became an easy target for getting stepped on.

This worry of getting trampled he carried with him his entire life. From puppyhood on he demanded to either sleep on a couch or a lap.

If you think a raised bed might work for your home. Check out two reviews we have done here, and here.

Doughnut or (Donut) Bed

calming donut bed

If you weren’t hiding under a rock a few years back then you probably saw ads all over social media for the donut bed.

At the time it was the biggest craze and is still a good choice today.

The donut bed is great for many reasons. They are very plush and colorful which seems to naturally attract fur babies like bees to honey. Dogs just sink into these beds as they are so comfortable and supportive.

The outer rim of the donut provides just enough of a ridge to provide a sense of safety and nice head rest. If that wasn’t enough they are super easy to clean.

Unlike dog beds with removable covers you can throw the entire bed into the washer and dryer and they come out as good as new. If that wasn’t enough to sell you on a donut bed then the price point probably will. They are very reasonably priced and strike a really good mix of price and value. We go more in depth about one of the best donut beds on Amazon here.

Orthopaedic Dog Bed

It is a sad fact of life but even small dogs grow up and get old. One of the biggest paint points for older dogs is when they begin to develop arthritis in their joints and ligaments.

Mobility and overall quality of life can begin to wane as just getting to the food bowl can be a task. A good orthopedic bed can do wonders for your small furry friend.

The right support can mean a more restful and restorative sleep so that they can be more like their old selves.

Many customers were amazed when they saw the improvement in their fur babies mobility after just one night.

The right orthopedic or memory foam bed not only supports your dog’s joints but it also provides airflow due to the eggcrate design.

Airflow is also important for older dogs as they can tend to overheat more in their older age. If you think that an Orthopedic bed might be right for your fur baby you can find out more about a really great one here.

Chewproof Dog Bed

dog mental stimulation

If this is not the first time on our website then we apologize for repeating ourselves. We have seen dogs chew almost anything if they are bored enough.

No beds are 100% chew proof, but with that being said, some are much more durable and less likely to attract chewing. Some people found it more affordable to make their own chewproof dog bed by buying chew proof material on amazon and making their own stuffing out of old pillows etc.

We have a DIY article about it that you can check out here. It is certainly a budget friendly option. We cover some other dog beds that many users have reported that are virtually indestructible. You can read more about it here. If neither of those solutions work for you then the raised bed might be your best choice.

Phew! All Done.

Well, that is a pretty good roundup of some of the best dog bed solutions for small dogs.

Another challenge with small dogs is that they tend to need more warmth that big dogs. So if you happen to go with something like the raised, or kuranda bed, then you might want to observe your dog to make sure they are warm enough in their bed.

Have you had a good or bad experience with this or any other dog bed let us know in the comments.

We always want to find out more about real life user experiences. Hopefully our article helps you find the best bed for small dogs. 

If you are still not sure whether or not this is the right choice for your fur baby. Check our our buying guide: Best Dog Beds on Amazon (2022)

The post The Best Bed for Small Dogs on Amazon appeared first on Dog Bed 360.

The best sofa couch for dogs on Amazon Wed, 09 Mar 2022 20:13:13 +0000 We know the feeling. You come home from a long day’s work and you pour a drink and hit the couch. You feel amazing to be sitting on a comfortable cloud after a day of hustle and bustle but on the other hand you feel like a terrible human for making your dog sleep on […]

The post The best sofa couch for dogs on Amazon appeared first on Dog Bed 360.


We know the feeling. You come home from a long day’s work and you pour a drink and hit the couch. You feel amazing to be sitting on a comfortable cloud after a day of hustle and bustle but on the other hand you feel like a terrible human for making your dog sleep on the floor when he gives you those puppy dog eyes. So, you either let them on the couch only to find that your comfortable cloud has become a contortionist act to appease your sleeping beauty. Sure you’ve got a dog bed or two kicking around, but it is time to get your very own sofa couch for dogs.

So, you have a tall order here.  You want something that looks good, but it has to be comfortable enough so that your dog actually uses it. But it also has to be easy to clean because we know that clean can be a relative term when it comes to dog life. Oh yeah it also needs to not be made of cheap crap and last more than a week. Well we think we have a recommendation today that will fit the bill. It is time to make all of your dog’s dreams come true.

It's Comfy Time!

dog sofa couch

When you look at this sofa couch for dogs it just looks super comfy doesn’t it? Well, if you ask the average dog it sure is. (Disclaimer: When we asked dogs for an interview they declined to comment, but we can tell from the owners that they love it) 😊 This couch was designed with dogs in mind. The L shape design creates a raised rim so that your fur baby can rest their head if that is their sleeping style. The surface of the couch is made with high quality faux fur that is super soft and luxurious. The texture is very soft so it does not irritate noses and paws like some other materials might. The shape of the sofa couch also lets your dog sleep their way, kinda like Burger King for dog beds. Round shape beds can leave your dog hanging over the edge while trying to catch some z’s but the sofa couch provides a good size sleeping surface with an edge to keep them tucked in.

Great for the Senior in your life

As dogs age they begin to develop issues that can make sleep time more of a challenge. Their aging ligaments and joints require more support than when they were puppies. A sleeping surface with proper support can do wonders for your dog’s sleep quality and mobility. The foam base inside the liner is made with orthopedic foam which helps to support pressure points as well as provide circulation. Circulation is an important factor for older dogs. As dogs age their bodies become less efficient in many ways and one of the results can be overheating. The eggcrate design not only provides great support but more circulation than other designs to keep your pooch at the right temperature. One customer told this cute story about how their elderly dog took to this sofa couch:

“He is an elder dog who is terminal and needs an extra cozy bed as he is very thin, achy and needs the support. He wagged his lil nub tail and walked right over to the bed as soon as I unpacked it. He was excited and hopped right on. I swear he slept hours before moving which is rare for him.”

Amazon shopper


comfy support dog sofa couch

Sizes and Colors oh my!

No matter how big or small your fur baby is, the chances are you are going to find the right fit for your four-legged-friend. This sofa couch for dogs comes in a variety of sizes:

Small:  20″x15″

Medium: 30″ x 20″ x 6.25″ (3″ Foam Base)

Large: 36″ x 27″ x 6.5″ (3″ Foam Base)

Jumbo: 44″ x 35″ x 8″ (4″ Foam Base)

Jumbo Plus: 53″ x 42″ x 9.5″ (5″ Foam Base)

sofa couch sizes

Or as a quick reference one amazon shopper commented that the Jumbo size is perfect for their 100lb lab.

This sofa couch for dogs also comes in a variety of colors to fit your home décor. Available colors are: Espresso, Dark Sage, Stone Gray, and Marine Blue. We really liked this option as many dog sofas on the market only offer one color. Where is the fun in that?

Another thing to be aware of when picking your new dog couch is that the bed is offered in two different types of foam base. One is memory foam and the other is orthopedic foam. Although the two types are similar to each other they can have slightly different effects. Memory foam is specifically designed to contour when weight is put onto the surface, whereas Orthopedic foam provides great support too but doesn’t contour similarly. The differences between the two types are beyond the scope of this article but you can find out more about the differences here. Whichever you choose make sure that you pick the correct one at checkout. Although this product doesn’t have a lot of negative reviews, many of the negative reviews were attributed to the customer not realizing that their were two options to choose from and being disappointed with the product that arrived.

What about the Naysayers?

So as we mentioned most peoples’ experience with this sofa couch for their dog were very positive but there were negative reviews and they did have some common gripes. Fur Haven does indicate on their web page and product listing that this bed is not designed for excessive chewers, but what about lickers? One shopper said that although their pooch didn’t chew the bed they would lick the bed which resulted in some stains that were difficult to get out so be aware of that if you have a pooch that has a licking habit. Maybe it is time to get your dog some ice cream 😉

Another issue some negative reviewers had of this sofa couch was with the inner lining. They complained that the foam was thin and didn’t take shape up to the expected or desired thickness. It is important to note that Fur Haven makes it very clear on their product description to let the sofa couch decompress fully for 48 hours before use. We don’t know if this was the reason for the disappointing performance but we know that it can be an issue, so please, resist the temptation. Make sure to let the bed fully decompress before you let your pooch take a test ride. If you do have any issues with this sofa we have good news.

Awesome Company & Support

An awesome benefit of buying from Fur Haven is that they provide a 60 day worry free program on their beds which provides easy support and returns if you aren’t happy. It also comes with 90 day limited coverage for material defects. Every manufacturer will get the odd product wrong when they are making thousands of units. If you do happen to be one of the unlucky ones then you are covered by Fur Haven. The company is based in Bellham, Washington USA and the foam is 100% manufactured in the USA and is tested to meet 100% Certipur-US standards. You can rest assured that Your dog sofa is safe for your dog and the environment. It is manufactured without formaldehyde or known ozone depleters.

Final Thoughts

Just like a therapist would say: well it looks like we have run out of time for today. We hope that we have been helpful in making your decision on a sofa couch for dogs. Overall customers were very happy with this product. At the time of writing 76% of people who reviewed this sofa couch gave it a 4 star review or higher out of almost 44000 reviews. That is A LOT of people reviewing this product positively. This dog sofa isn’t the cheapest or the most expensive on the market. Most people found that Fur Haven strikes a near perfect balance of quality and price, so you should get your money’s worth on this one.

If you are still not sure whether or not this is the right choice for your fur baby. Check our our buying guide: Best Dog Beds on Amazon (2022)

The post The best sofa couch for dogs on Amazon appeared first on Dog Bed 360.

Best Calming Doughnut Bed for Dogs (According to Amazon) Tue, 08 Mar 2022 14:58:30 +0000 Dogs are the best thing ever. You know it and I know it. Now that we have that out of the way, they also come with their own issues and challenges. If you are struggling with an anxious dog then a calming doughnut bed for dogs can really help.  Pet anxiety can be overwhelming for […]

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Dogs are the best thing ever. You know it and I know it. Now that we have that out of the way, they also come with their own issues and challenges. If you are struggling with an anxious dog then a calming doughnut bed for dogs can really help.  Pet anxiety can be overwhelming for both the pet and their human companions. An anxious dog can start to exhibit unwanted behaviors such as whining, barking, and chewing, which can quickly lead to an unhappy home. Thankfully there are a lot of products on the market today designed to help relieve anxious behaviors in your dog.

You may be asking yourself, can a simple dog bed really help to make my fur baby more calm? The answer is: it depends on the nature of your pooch as well as your specific situation, but more on this later. We took a look at the best calming dog beds on the market right now. After scouring through the reviews of hundreds of real-life users we came to a conclusion on the best recommendation for beds to help with anxious behaviors.

This donut bed is made with ultra-soft and comfortable materials which can help to make your dog feel safer and more at ease during rest time. When your dog has a home base that they really like and feel comfortable in, it can make it easier for them to relax in your home as well as more easily acclimatize to new environments. This pet bed is designed with an elevated rim which provides slight head support to naturally encourage your dog into the correct sleeping posture.

calming donut bed

No more digging at the furniture

If your dog loves to dig and bite at the furniture before it lays down for a nap, the donut bed may help to eliminate any new scratch marks on your furniture. Many verified purchasers of this product stated that their dogs skipped the scratching sessions once this bed was introduced into their home. A dog’s instinct to burrow and dig before taking a nap comes from their desire to make their sleep spot more comfortable. This bed comes just about as comfortable as you can get a bed which will cut down on this tendency.  In addition, many dog owners who purchased this doughnut bed for dogs found that it was instantly popular with their usually picky fur babies, no scratching or biting required. 😊

Plush and Colorful

Your dog is a prince or princess, why give them just a regular old drab dog bed when you can give them next level comfort and style. The donut bed is constructed with high quality materials on the inside to provide great support and comfort for a good night’s sleep. The outside material is super soft and colorful which makes it an attractive choice when nap time comes. In fact, a common “complaint” from people who purchased this bed was getting their pooch out of bed when nap time is over. If your dog struggles with laziness this may not be the bed for you. 😉

Easy Cleanup

Upon first glance this product looks like it could be a challenge to clean, but in fact this bed is easier to clean compared to many similar beds on the market. The donut bed does not come with extra covers or liners to be removed and cleaned separately. The entire bed is machine washable and can be placed directly in the washer and dryer for super easy clean up. You can feel assured knowing that the entire bed is cleaned and disinfected after any unfortunate accidents, and not just superficially clean on the outside liner.  One particular reviewer reported that the bed was even softer and more comfortable after a wash and dry in the machine.

Will it actually calm my dog?

Pet anxiety is a complicated issue. Just as with humans, dog anxiety can occur from a wide range of contributing factors including diet, exercise, sleep, environment, sound triggers etc. In that sense there is likely no single magic bullet to cure an anxious behavior in dogs. Getting to the root of the issue can require a lot of examination and awareness of not only your dog’s behaviours, but also your own.

Often dog owners can be completely unaware of how their energy and action’s can greatly affect your dog’s mood. Dog’s are social pack animals, through centuries of evolution they have developed highly keen senses for understanding social cues. You may need to take a multi-pronged approach in order to deal with your pets anxiety in a holistic fashion, but creating a dedicated safe and comfortable space for them to relax in your home can do wonders for their overall well being.  

In conjunction with a calming bed, you can also use various calming products such as Hemp tinctures and calming clothing such as thunder shirts to help. It is important to note though, that any products you purchase should be in addition to providing a healthy and active lifestyle for your dog. Supplements, clothing, and accessories can be a huge help to creating a calmer dog and home, but they are no substitute to a healthy environment and lifestyle.

The Final Word

If you are looking for one product that is going to cure your dog’s anxiety then you will most likely be disappointed in this purchase. This donut bed can definitely have a calming effect, but it isn’t going to work miracles if your dog is overly stressed and unbalanced. On the other hand, if you are already in the market for a new dog bed then you may find that you are pleasantly surprised by your dog’s reaction to the donut bed. It is well constructed, easy to clean, and a big hit with most dogs.


Top real life positive reviews:

“My 12-year-old dog has severe anxiety and has never taken to any bed, however, he has fallen in love with this one and it seems to help drastically with his anxiety”

“Keeps my pup happy all day when I’m at work. He used to howl and had (still has) separation anxiety, this helps tremendously.”

Top real life negative reviews:

“Perfect size for my pup. I loved it until it was time to clean it. I wish the remarks stating, “easy to clean” specified front loading washing machines only. Definitely not a job for top loaders.
I’m tossing it since I can’t properly clean”

“This is most definitely not a bed for puppies. Ours tried to eat the long threads all day long. We were nervous she would choke on them eventually.
We bought a larger one for our older dog and she is in heaven.
So overall, good bed but NOT for puppies”


Plush and Colorful

Can be calming and reassuring

Very Comfortable (most dogs love it)


Might be a choking hazard for puppies

Can get caught on certain collars

May not stand up to highly destructive pets

If you are still not sure whether or not this is the right choice for your fur baby. Check our our buying guide: Best Dog Beds on Amazon (2022)

The post Best Calming Doughnut Bed for Dogs (According to Amazon) appeared first on Dog Bed 360.

How to get a puppy to sleep through the night Thu, 03 Mar 2022 20:36:15 +0000 If you are planning to get a puppy, or you just took the plunge and are wondering how to get a puppy to sleep through the night, first, we would like to say congratulations on your decision. Secondly, we understand all the challenges of puppy life because we have been there many times over. No […]

The post How to get a puppy to sleep through the night appeared first on Dog Bed 360.


If you are planning to get a puppy, or you just took the plunge and are wondering how to get a puppy to sleep through the night, first, we would like to say congratulations on your decision. Secondly, we understand all the challenges of puppy life because we have been there many times over.

No matter how many times you have taken the journey of being a puppy parent, you kind of forget just how much work it is. We don’t say this to discourage you, but maybe to help you reframe what to expect with a puppy. Think of this like a book: “What to expect when you are expecting.. a puppy” 😉

Sadly, a lot of people get puppies for the wrong reasons. A person might feel lonely, or bored, or needing a change in their life and think that getting a dog is a great idea. They might hope to add a dog to their life kind of like an accessory. They may think that the dog will bring them more joy, without considering what they might have to sacrifice in order to have a dog in their life.


The reality of this is reflected in the number of people who put dogs up for adoption, weeks or sometimes days after bringing the puppy home. With that being said, the things we recommend getting your puppy to sleep through the night fit into a holistic framework. Too often people look to remedy issues with quick fixes rather than to deal with the root of the problem. That is why first we are going to talk about managing your own expectations.

Manage Your Expectations

Something that we see a lot with dog owners is that their frustrations come from misaligned expectations. They will say things like “our old dog didn’t do X” or maybe they say something like “my neighbours dog sleeps all night why can’t mine? I don’t know what is wrong with my dog.” It is important to realize that puppies are like a force of nature. They have strong wills. When they are new to the world and new to your home, they don’t know what to expect, or what is expected of them.

Training your puppy to go potty outside, walk on a leash, or sleep through the night, takes time, consistency, and lots of patience. Your pup will test you to see if you are serious about your boundaries. You will have to be more consistent than your dog in whatever scenario you are trying to train them in.

Our Gus was part of a winter litter. He arrived home in the middle of January in Toronto, Canada. For those who haven’t had the pleasure of visiting Toronto at this time of year, it is VERY cold. Yet we were determined that we weren’t going to use pee pads or diapers. Gus was going to be potty trained come hell or high water.

We got into a routine of taking him out every 2 to 3 hours all day long, and he woke up on average about 2 times a night. This went on for weeks. If was really fun, (can you hear the sarcasm?) but eventually it was an investment that paid off. He has not had a single accident in the house since his first few weeks of being a member of the family.


When trying to change a dog’s behaviour you need to make sure that you are covering the basics before you start looking for “hacks” and “quick tips”. It is like trying to play a concerto but you haven’t practiced a single scale. So the first basic requirement is:

Physical Stimulation Through Exercise

dog exercise

You are probably rolling your eyes right now at such a mundane answer, but it always amazes us when we see how few people really take this prescription to heart. Maybe it is because we are living increasingly sedentary lifestyles ourselves that we have come to value our own exercise so little. Or maybe it is because getting your dog the right amount of exercise and stimulation it needs is hard work and it takes time out of our busy lifestyles.

But regardless of the reason, it cannot be overstated how much your puppy needs exercise for their overall well being. In our experience the old adage rings true that a good dog is a tired dog. But how much is the right amount of exercise?

As much as we all love one-size-fits-all answers, the amount of exercise your dog needs will largely depend on the breed, sex, and individual temperament. You will want to make sure that your puppy has lots of play breaks scheduled throughout the day.

Remember that your puppy is brand new to the world and naturally produces LOTS of energy so that it can play, learn, and get better acquainted with the world.

Mental Stimulation Through Exploring and Smelling

dog sniffing stimulation

A study done on chess players found that they can burn up to 6000 calories during a day of tournament play! (Maybe it is time for less treadmill and more Chess) 😊 It gives you an idea of how much energy is burned during times of high mental demand.

Dogs have an infinitely greater amount of receptors in their nasal cavities. They process mountains of information through their sense of smell which requires energy. That is why it is important to not just take your dog for the same walk on the same block everyday. Or just let them out to the same backyard.

Just like humans they get bored of the same things over and over. They crave a challenge and a sense of purpose, also just like humans. Dogs burn a lot of energy through mental stimulation like chewing on a bone, or sniffing out a treat, So if you want your pup to sleep through the night and they aren’t living up to your hopes and dreams, start with looking at their activity levels. We know that wearing out a puppy is no easy task. It takes time, patience, and dedication.


puppy night time routine

If you want to make night time easier for both you and your fur baby then you want to establish a sense of routine. There are many different ways to implement a routine that is going to work for you and your dog.

Dogs are pack animals that crave order, hierarchy, and routine. It gives them a sense of safety and security when things are routine and orderly. You can help this process through things like:

keeping their bed in the same place

going to bed around the same time

and keeping a regular bed time for yourself as well.

If you do this correctly, over time your dog will begin to pick up early cues that it is time to settle down and go to bed. For example your dog might begin to frame things like this:

 “it is dark outside, night time treat is over, we went outside to go potty, mom or dad is brushing their teeth…..therefore…… bedtime!”

But this doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistency on your part. You don’t need to be perfect. But a routine that is mostly consistent will help your pup get up to speed on how things go at night time.

Food and Drink timing

This might seem like a no brainer but this is another factor that will determine whether or not your pup is going to sleep through the night or not. Our dog Gus doesn’t just like a treat at night, he demands an evening treat every evening. It is part of his routine. But when he was a pup we realized if certain treats were given too late at night, then he was more likely to drink later in the evening which resulted in more calls from nature in the middle of the night.

It is a good idea to observe your dog anytime you give them treats. Notice how likely they are to go to the water bowl after treat time and how much they drink. If you’re dog is working up a big thirst after treat time you may want to look at what you are giving them.

Highly processed dog treats will often have high levels of sodium and other trace elements which can make your dog more likely to need a drink afterwards. Certain treats you may only want to give earlier in the day or cut out more processed treats all together.

Products that can help

Ok so now that we have covered a lot of the basics to a better night’s sleep for your pup, there are some things that we found can help a dog make the transition into sleepy time.

Calming Collar

When Gus was still a new puppy and we were in the “WTF?!” phase of puppy parenting, we went looking online for sleep aids for dogs. One of the things that we found worked very well for him was using a calming collar like this one. The collar is infused with lavender or other common aromatherapy smells. It may have been the calming scent of the collar, or it might have just been another cue in his nighttime routine, but we found it helped him make the transition to sleeping through the night much better.

Calming treats


Calming treats can be a good aid but they are no substitute for the things we have already covered like stimulation. You can’t neglect a puppy’s basic needs and then hope a quick calming treat is going to make them go to dream land. But used in conjunction with an overall healthy lifestyle can make a difference in your dog’s overall night time sleep quality.

Sound Machine

Although a dog’s hearing is much better and more accurate than ours is, white noise can still help. If you live in an area of high vehicle or foot traffic like we do, then sleeping can be a challenge at times. A white noise machine can do enough to mute small or far away sounds that might be just enough to wake your pup from slumber.

Cave Bed or Crate

If you read our article on “what is the purpose of a dog bed” we go deeper into the psychological benefits of creating a cave-like environment. We will spare the details here, but providing your pup with a cave bed or a crate will help them feel more snug and secure, and less likely to get up in the night. You can check out a full article here on 3 cave bed suggestions for your pup.

A good blankie

This one might not be for everyone but our Gus loves a good blankie. A blanket can help your dog in many ways. It can keep your dog warm at night obviously, but it can hold their smell which can help to associate their sleeping spot as theirs. It is also just one of the cutest things to see your pup cuddled up with their very own blanket. Gus’s has dinosaurs on it. 😊


Well, that is all for now. We know how overwhelming bringing home a puppy can be, especially if is your first time or if it has been a while. There is so much work to do in those first days and weeks. The patience, willpower, and determination it takes to train a dog can be in short supply if you aren’t getting a good night’s sleep. Hopefully after having read this article you will be equipped with a few more proverbial tricks up your sleeve.

Of course, we would be remiss not to mention one of the main components of helping a dog sleep through the night:  a good dog bed! It just so happens that we are self-proclaimed dog bed experts. 😊 We have written about and reviewed dozens of different kinds of dog beds, but if you don’t know what kind to get you should check out our buying guide: Best Dog Beds on Amazon (2022). We go in depth to provide quick and easy info so that you can make a better buying decision for your dog. You can also check out the rest of our blog here. If you like this article please share or leave a comment below.

The post How to get a puppy to sleep through the night appeared first on Dog Bed 360.

The Top Rated Dog Ramp for Bed Tue, 01 Mar 2022 13:59:03 +0000 Maybe your dog is getting up in years. Maybe your dog is injured, overweight, or just prefers to travel in style. 😊 If your fur baby is anything like ours, then it will except nothing less than being on the bed with you when it is time to turn in for the night. If this […]

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Maybe your dog is getting up in years. Maybe your dog is injured, overweight, or just prefers to travel in style. 😊 If your fur baby is anything like ours, then it will except nothing less than being on the bed with you when it is time to turn in for the night. If this sounds familiar then you want to find a really good dog ramp for bed time. A good ramp will save your back from all constant up and down of being a doggie elevator. If you google “dog ramps for bed” then you are probably overwhelmed at the wide array of options out there. Depending on the design and style you are looking for the prices can vary wildly. So, you definitely want to find a ramp that is going to give you the best bang for your buck. We have a great one for your consideration today by Petsafe.

We know that finding high quality pet products can be a difficult job. Something might sound good on paper but when you get it home it falls apart or doesn’t work as expected. Well, you are in the right place because that is exactly why we started this blog. To give you quick and easy to understand information so that you can make better buying decisions for your fur baby. We read through product descriptions, hundreds of reviews, and compare different brands and models to bring you the inside scoop on your next purchase. Today is no exception. You asked and we answered. People wanted to know what is the best dog ramp for bed. Today we have an awesome solution for you.

High Quality Construction & Design

When we started our research for this article we noticed this dog ramp right away. When you put this ramp up next to most on the market today there really is no comparison. This dog ramp actually looks like an expensive piece of furniture you would buy for your house, not a cheap and gawdy piece of plastic. The ramp is made with high quality wood with an attractive cherry finish. The wood provides strength and stability for dogs that weigh up to 120 pounds. Despite the solid construction, the ramp isn’t super heavy and weighs in at about 20 pounds. If you do need to move this ramp for cleaning etc, you aren’t going to need a team of people to help you.

The design of this product is also superior to many comparable ramps on the market. The people at Petsafe really thought through the layout of this one. If you have any experience with other ramps or stairs for your pet, you may have noticed that the angle or slope can be a real issue. In order to get your dog actually using the ramp he or she needs to feel safe in doing so. A short and steep slope will make it difficult to train them to use it. The idea of stairs or sharp angles feels unnatural to a dog’s natural way of navigating the world. On the contrary this ramp by Petsafe has a nice gentle slope that makes navigating it natural for your dog which makes training much easier.

Ease of Assembly

dog ramp assembly

There is not doubt that when you look at the customer satisfaction on this product, it is through the roof. People rave about this ramp, one reviewer actually went so far as to write a thank you note to both Petsafe and Amazon for making this product possible. Lol. Now that is real customer satisfaction! But no matter how awesome the product, there will always be something that needs improvement. In this case it seems that some people who purchased had an issue when putting this ramp together.

One of the most common comments was that the holes don’t line up perfectly on one of the legs which can make assembly difficult. In addition to that, many people complained that the bolts are too short which made the assembly process much more painstaking then one would hope. Despite the frustration of setup, most of these people went on to give the ramp very high reviews. This ramp has a global average star rating of 4.5 out of 5 at the time of writing and is the coveted “Amazon’s Choice” for this category of products.  

It could be slippery?

Some people who bought and reviewed this ramp had issues with the carpet material being slippery, on the other hand other verified purchase reviews claimed the exact opposite. Some people had issues with their dog slipping while walking down the ramp. They were able to remedy this by using some cheap yoga mats or other grippy material to give the surface more grip. Many people who wrote reviews still gave this ramp 5 stars despite the product needing some modification to work properly for them.

May Require Training

It is important to note that no matter how high quality the stairs or ramp you get for your fur baby, you still may need to train them to use the new addition to the house. The idea of a ramp can be a new and novel idea for your pooch. The chances are you may need to provide some incentives to use it. One shopper said that they did this by walking their dog up the ramp on a leash. Others used a combination of praise and treats to get their fur baby used to the idea of taking a ramp up to bed.

Maybe not for small spaces

As much as we love this dog ramp, and think it is one of the best out there, it might not be for you if you live in an apartment of small space. Although the construction of this ramp is rock solid, the ramp doesn’t fold down or collapse in any way.  Once assembled, the ramp dimensions are 70” Long x 16” Wide x 25” High. It might be good to get out a tape measure right about now. If that seems a little big for your space then Petsafe has a wide variety of alternative solutions for elevating your pup. You can see some of them below.

The Last Word on Dog Ramps

Well that just about wraps it up for us today. A doggie ramp can be a crucial addition to your home. If your dog is having any kind of mobility issues and requires a lift from you up and down, a good ramp can give your dog more independence. A great bonus of this ramp is that Petsafe offers full US based customer support in the event that there are any issues with your purchase. On top of that you are covered by the regular return policy if you get it from Amazon here. That is all for now folks. We sincerely hope that we have informed you well on your next doggie purchase. Happy Shopping! 😊

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3 Cool Dog Sleeping bags for your next trip Thu, 24 Feb 2022 20:03:43 +0000 “Get your motor running.. Head out on the highway!” Dreaming of your next camping adventure on the road with you and your Dog? Early morning cuddles, afternoon swims, and barking around the campfire. But wait what about bed time. It’s 2 am and nature calls. You come back to bed only to find someone has […]

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“Get your motor running.. Head out on the highway!” Dreaming of your next camping adventure on the road with you and your Dog? Early morning cuddles, afternoon swims, and barking around the campfire. But wait what about bed time. It’s 2 am and nature calls. You come back to bed only to find someone has taken your warm spot in the bed. Fool me once. It’s time to get your fur baby their own camping gear. Today we have 3 great choices if you are looking into a dog sleeping bag.

Waterproof Dog Sleeping Bed by Lifeunion

The first up is the Waterproof Dog Sleeping Bag by Lifeunion. This one is great for keeping your fur baby nice and toasty on those cool evenings. It is designed with a polyester material on the outside for easy cleaning on those dirty camping trips. The inside of the sleeping bag is made of a fleece liner to keep your dog warm on spring, summer, and fall camping trips.

One customer who reviewed this sleeping bag said that it kept their husky warm in 30 degree temperatures. If you are one of those crazy people who winter camp then you may need to supplement this sleeping bag with some hand warmers or look at getting a sleeping bag graded for lower temperatures. But if you are like the rest of us then this bag is a great choice.

This sleeping bag is light weight which makes it good for when you are on the go and comes with carrying case. One verified purchaser of this product pointed out that it may not compress down to a small enough size to your liking if you are running out of packing space in the car. It is estimated that the sleeping bag only compresses down to about 50 percent of the total size. If you are car packing nut like my wife then you might not like this feature of this one.

This sleeping bag has a unique design with a zipper on the tail and one on the side. Some customers use it for two or three smaller dogs. The extra openings allow more than one dog to be under the bag with their own opening to pop their head out of if need be. This bag is a good size for just about any dog accommodating one purchasers dog of 100 lbs and 4 feet long.

This dog sleeping bag is a pretty good all around choice for most camping and road trips. Just be aware of the temperature guidelines. With an unheard of average rating of 4.7 out of 5 on Amazon and awesome customer service, there is a good chance you are going to be happy with this purchase.

Ruffwear Highlands Dog Sleeping Bag

Another awesome dog sleeping bag is this one by Ruffwear Highlands. Here at we do our best to go in depth with the products we write about. Our aim is to not just provide glorified product descriptions, but to go deep into what works and doesn’t work with products in real life, not just what sounds good on paper. For that reason we almost didn’t want to include this sleeping bag in our product recommendations simply because it seems to work exactly as described.  It is difficult to write about a product that doesn’t have much nuance. People just seem to love it. This product has an unheard of 4.7 out of 5 global rating at the time of writing.

This sleeping bag is awesome for cold nights with some people reporting that it kept their fur baby warm in 40-degree weather. One reviewer reported that this sleeping bag kept their dog toasty in 20 degree weather! Not only that, the biggest selling point about this sleeping bag is that dog’s love it! Some people said that they put a small mat inside the sleeping bag and their dog ending up using it as a full-time bed in their house. So if you get this dog sleeping bag your biggest issue might be getting them to come out. 😊

Alcott Adventure Sleeping Bag for Dogs

Finally, we have the Adventure Sleeping Bag for Dogs by Alcott. The first thing to note is that this dog bed is very cozy and is going to keep your fur baby pretty darn warm for most camping trips. We haven’t tried it out in winter personally, and when we polled customer for their experiences, we weren’t able to find a solid answer. Some of the other doggie sleeping bags are rated for certain temperatures, much like human sleeping bags, but the manufacturer doesn’t specify for this one.

A few things to consider if you are interested in this doggie sleeper. This bed also comes with a nifty and convenient carrying bag to make travelling with your fur baby easier. If you are an avid hiker/rough camper though, then this sleeping bag might not be the best pick for you. Customers noted that it is great but it is a little bulky for transporting. The sleeping bag is 1.33 lbs without the carrying case. If you plan on travelling long distances you know that this travelling weight might be a dealbreaker. 

 One of the most contentious issues among customers with this sleeping bag is the sizing. Some say that the sizing charts are based on the outer circumference of the sleeping bag and not the inside of the bed. So, some customers were disappointed that their dog didn’t fit in the bed when it arrived. You may want to order a bigger size than you think you need. To give a frame of reference, one person who bought this sleeping bag said that “a medium is probably the right size for a Jack Russel or Pug.”

The Final Word

That’s all folks. No matter what size or temperament of your dog, the chances are one of these sleeping bags will be a good fit for you. No matter how great the sleeping bag, your dog may not take to it right away. Some dogs will jump in, but it may take some training to get your dog to actually use it as a sleeping bag. Whatever sleeping bag you decide on, we wish happy trails to you and your fur baby. That is all for now. Happy Shopping! 😊

The post 3 Cool Dog Sleeping bags for your next trip appeared first on Dog Bed 360.

Best Dog Diapers for Male Dogs Wed, 23 Feb 2022 19:28:21 +0000 I was introduced to a new concept a few years ago: Doggie Palliative Care. My first ever fur baby was getting up in years and I was starting to notice. Sure, Saki didn’t want to play as much as he used to and he slept in more, but then he started to exhibit some of […]

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I was introduced to a new concept a few years ago: Doggie Palliative Care. My first ever fur baby was getting up in years and I was starting to notice. Sure, Saki didn’t want to play as much as he used to and he slept in more, but then he started to exhibit some of the same behaviors that human seniors do. Saki started having dementia episodes. I would find him getting caught staring into corners and mirrors. He would start to “sundown” around dinner time. The poor guy would get restless and wander around the house in a semi-confused state. It was all part of what we knew was eventually coming, but then came the accidents. Little did i know I was about to go deep into finding the best Dog Diapers for Male Dogs.

The first time I noticed an issue was when he got up from an afternoon nap. He went to stretch as he was getting up and… oops! Out came a few dribbles of urine. A few nights later I woke up in the middle of the night to find a wet spot on the bed next to me where Saki liked to sleep. It only took one time of me stripping the sheets and comforter in the middle of the night to start furiously looking for a solution. Other than the sundowning and the odd little accident Saki was doing very well for his age. His vet gave him a thumbs up and clean bill of health. He looked great and people on the street were often shocked at his age when they saw how good he got around. Other than the dementia episodes and the accidents he was in great shape. So what am I to do? I realized after a long search down the internet rabbit hole that it was time to diaper that boy up.

Disposable versus Washable

All in all I think that we bought and tried 4 different kinds of diapers. Some were disposable and some were washable. All in all, we found that washable diapers worked best for us. On the surface we thought that disposable diapers would be easy. No mess, just throw them away when you are done, right? Not so much. The velcro strips designed to keep the diaper on the dog’s body were cheap and came apart easily. Sometimes that would result in the diaper just randomly falling off. Of course, it would happen the moments we weren’t watching him like a hawk. Oops, there’s another accident! To add to the misery the diapers seemed to bunch up they looked uncomfortable. Great. Now everyone is miserable. 😊

On the other hand, although washable diapers had the disadvantage of having to go in the washing machine, they were well constructed, comfortable and were designed to be absorbent. So, no more diapers falling off, check. No more bunching and discomfort, check. Everything was going pretty well. We were in a routine. I bought 2 packs of 3 diapers, which meant 6 sleeps before it was time for laundry day. When we went on amazon to order more we noticed there was an option to get diapers with a removable liner? Hmmm. Maybe that would make for less laundry, and more reusing the diapers. Which led us to…

Removable Liner vs All-in-one

A few mouse clicks and knock on the door later, the removable liner diapers arrived. The first night was the test. Let’s see just how much more convenient the removable liners are. The first few nights were fine, not much changed except for the fact that I now had two piles of diapers to organize. Dirty liners and used-but-still-clean diapers. About the third night I noticed a little bit of yellow on the edge of the diaper, NOT the liner! Dangit! Saki usually would lay on his side so when he peed in the night the liquid would travel right down past the liner and pool on the edge of the diaper. Now I had 3 piles of diapers: dirty liners, used-but-still-clean diapers, and the used-but-dirty-still-despite-the-liner-pile. *Sigh So then we decided to skip the liners and just stick to the ULTIMATE DOG DIAPER by Teamoy.

The Pee Workhorse

This diaper has it all. Even the pictures of other dog diapers you see online look uncomfortable.

You can visibly see how they bunch up when the dog sits down. It can make your dog really unhappy and not want to wear the diaper if it is uncomfortable all the time. They will start to associate the diaper with negative feelings and want to run away or fight with you when it comes time to put diapers on. These diapers by Teamoy, although seemed a little baggy at times, always seemed comfortable and Saki never seemed to mind putting them on. That’s a big win!

Out of all the times these diapers were used and washed and used again, they held up incredibly well. They always came out of the wash like new and looked clean and fresh again. The only thing to note is it is best to turn them inside out when washing them so that there is no velcro showing. If you throw them in the wash with the velcro exposed it will pick up every little bit of hair and fluff in your washing machine. It won’t ruin the diapers but they will definitely look more worn and used if you happen to wash them and forget.

All of this is just icing on the cake though. In reality diapers only have one job. Keep the pee in. These diapers by Teamoy never lost a drip. The elastic was firm around the body but not tight to be uncomfortable. The inside of the diaper was made of an absorbent material which seemed to easily handle whatever Saki threw at it. I took Saki outside once and forgot to take his diaper off. He unloaded a full pee into the diaper and the inner pouch soaked it all up like a champ. Win!

dog diapers absorbent

The Final Word

Well that is all for now. Having an incontinent dog can be a real drag. It is stressful, it takes planning and extra work. You need something that is going to be comfortable enough for your dog to wear and sleep in. Well no matter what you choose we wish you the best of luck in your journey with pet incontinence. It can be a wild ride, but we found that these diapers helped a ton! That’s it for now. Happy Shopping.

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Kuranda Dog Bed Walnut PVC: Review Wed, 23 Feb 2022 13:51:49 +0000 If you are getting tired of shelling out 40 dollars here, another 60 dollars there for dog beds that don’t last, then you might want to pay attention to this post. Maybe you have a chewer, a shedder, or a digger, and you don’t want to go to the poor house trying to keep your […]

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If you are getting tired of shelling out 40 dollars here, another 60 dollars there for dog beds that don’t last, then you might want to pay attention to this post. Maybe you have a chewer, a shedder, or a digger, and you don’t want to go to the poor house trying to keep your dog furnished with a dog house. The Kuranda Dog Bed sets out to address this problem by manufacturing a bed with solid construction, and a design that naturally discourages chewing behaviors. If you have been shopping around for dog beds and you have seen any of the Kuranda beds you may have noticed that they are mostly at a higher price point than other dog beds on the market. Is it worth the extra shekels? Let’s take a closer look to find out.

The Dog Bed Masters

There are a lot of things to be excited about when it comes to this dog bed. In a time of bad customer service, cheap Chinese knockoffs, and fly-by-night companies, Kuranda stands out from the crowd. Kuranda still manufactures its products in the USA. They are a family run company that has been around since 1987. Clearly they are doing something right.

Sure, everybody loves a deal. Inexpensive products are great until something breaks and then you spend every waking hour sending angry emails to the company only to get no response. Maybe not such a great deal after all. On the contrary Kuranda is a real company, with a real website, with a real phone number you can call. What a novelty right? They have patented products with great customer support. Every bed that Kuranda makes comes with a full 1 year warranty. The chances are you won’t need it though. Most people who purchased this bed found that it was still going strong 3 years or more after purchase.

The Big Wins

When you compare this bed to other knockoff brands you might find online, one of the biggest differences customers experience is in the sagging tendency of this design. Some of the cheaper alternatives to the Kuranda bed are more likely to sag and begin to wear out over time from the constant weight shifting of your fur baby getting in and out of bed. This is where the Kuranda bed really shines. Many of Kuranda’s biggest fans were people who had the bed for over 5 years and still reported no signs of sagging or ripping the cot.

The bed comes in a variety of sizes to you suit your fur baby no matter how big or small they are. Sizes range from

Mini – 25”x18”

Small – 30”x 20”

Medium – 35” x 23”

XL – 44” x 27”

XXL – 50 x 36

The High Strength PVC frame is designed to support dogs up to 125 lbs. But if you have a real heavyweight on your hands they also offer an all-aluminum version of this bed.

Assembly and Ease of Maintenance

We review and compare a lot of different kinds of beds here at dogbed360 and many of the beds claim the title of easy to clean. Few can beat the easy cleanability of this dog bed. You can tell just by looking at this bed that there isn’t a lot of nooks and crannies for dirt and dust bunnies to find a home. The materials of the frame and the cot are super durable and Kuranda guarantees this bed will stand up to the stress of vigorous cleaning.

You might be saying: “Ok it is clean as a whistle, but how hard is it to assemble this sucker?” Just a word of caution, one verified purchaser of this product said that although the bed wasn’t difficult to assemble, it “does require two people and a bit of hand strength in order to keep the material tight.” So if you live alone and plan on getting this bed, hopefully you have a good neighbor who can help you out with assembly.

The Final Word

Well will you look at that? How time flies when you are having fun. That just about wraps up today’s article. We have zero hesitation recommending this dog bed to you. The only real drawback to this particular bed is the higher price point. If you are on a tight budget and are still looking for a similar design you might want to check out another elevated bed we reviewed by Vehoo. If you have a little extra to spend though, we highly recommend you try this bed by Kuranda. It is an American-made dog bed, by a family owned company and it shows in the final product. Kuranda keeps a high standard for their products and we are sure you won’t be disappointed if you get this bed.

Did you have a different experience with this bed? Found an even better bed on the market? Leave us a message in the comments and tell us about your experience!

The post Kuranda Dog Bed Walnut PVC: Review appeared first on Dog Bed 360.
