
How do I know if my dog has a uti?

Sometime over the course of having your dog they will get under the weather from time to time There can be many symptoms that might lead you to ask: how do I know if my dog has a uti? Of course we must put up the DISCLAIMER that we are not veterinary professionals, we are simply pet owners that are giving you the information and warning signs to look out for. If you are concerned about your dog, please contact a veterinary professional immediately. But before you do you may want to read about some of the common signs to know if your dog has a uti infection.

What is a Uti?

A urinary tract infection most often happens when bacteria enters through the urethra and gets into the dog’s bladder. Urinary tract infections can happen over a dog’s lifetime as a one off event, or it may be an indicator of an underlying issue. Infections can vary in their severity so here are some signs to look out for when you suspect that your fur baby might have a uti.

Housetraining mishaps

It can be very frustrating when your dog has an accident in the house. But before you get too out of sorts, you may want to consider your dog’s history as a baseline for behavior. If your dog has occasional accidents, then you may want to consider this before you get too worried. If your dog is like ours and would rather cuddle with a cat then go potty in the house then you definitely will want to put your detective cap on and monitor your dog closely.

Potty Frequency

No one knows your dog like you, so you should monitor the frequency of their potty breaks if you suspect your dog has a urinary tract infection. One of the earliest signs of a uti is frequent potty breaks. If your dog is asking to go outside more than usual than this is a sign that you need to pay close attention to what is going on with your fur baby.

Pain during urination

Another surefire sign that your dog may have an infection is if they show pain or discomfort when urinating. This will once again be an indicator for some dogs but perhaps not for others. Just like people some dogs tend to be “louder” or more expressive, while others are so stoic you would never read from their actions that they are in pain. When urinary tract infections worsen they can produce blood in the urine. This is the time when most dog parents freak out and call their local veterinarian. It can be very scary when this happens, but often it can look scarier than it really is. Definitely contact a Veterinary service if this is happening.

Licking genitals

Urinary tract infections can be very painful, so in an attempt to soothe the inflamed area sometimes dogs will lick their genital area. This is another red flag to watch out for if you suspect that your dog may have an infection.

Lethargy and lack of energy

If you have ever had a urinary tract infection then you know just how painful they can be. It takes a lot of energy for your body to fight off an infection. Dog’s bodies react similarly to ours, as their bodies fight the infection it can cause your dog to become very tired. So this will be another symptom to watch out for if you think your dog has a uti. Pay attention if they are lazing around the house more than usual.

So how do I know if my dog has a uti?

dog veterinarian

The answer is the only way to know for sure is to get your dog’s urine analyzed by a lab. If you call your veterinarian and explain the issue, often they will ask you to obtain a urine sample and bring it in for analysis, or you can have your vet do this for you.

Preventing future infections

The approach you take in preventing future uti infections in your dog will depend on their medical history and assessment by a qualified veterinary professional. If your vet determines that the cause is an underlying health issue than treatment will start with the cause. If this is a first time, or one-off infection than you can prevent future infections by ensuring that your dog has a high quality diet, and the vet may subscribe certain supplements.