
The best sofa couch for dogs on Amazon

We know the feeling. You come home from a long day’s work and you pour a drink and hit the couch. You feel amazing to be sitting on a comfortable cloud after a day of hustle and bustle but on the other hand you feel like a terrible human for making your dog sleep on the floor when he gives you those puppy dog eyes. So, you either let them on the couch only to find that your comfortable cloud has become a contortionist act to appease your sleeping beauty. Sure you’ve got a dog bed or two kicking around, but it is time to get your very own sofa couch for dogs.

So, you have a tall order here.  You want something that looks good, but it has to be comfortable enough so that your dog actually uses it. But it also has to be easy to clean because we know that clean can be a relative term when it comes to dog life. Oh yeah it also needs to not be made of cheap crap and last more than a week. Well we think we have a recommendation today that will fit the bill. It is time to make all of your dog’s dreams come true.

It's Comfy Time!

dog sofa couch

When you look at this sofa couch for dogs it just looks super comfy doesn’t it? Well, if you ask the average dog it sure is. (Disclaimer: When we asked dogs for an interview they declined to comment, but we can tell from the owners that they love it) 😊 This couch was designed with dogs in mind. The L shape design creates a raised rim so that your fur baby can rest their head if that is their sleeping style. The surface of the couch is made with high quality faux fur that is super soft and luxurious. The texture is very soft so it does not irritate noses and paws like some other materials might. The shape of the sofa couch also lets your dog sleep their way, kinda like Burger King for dog beds. Round shape beds can leave your dog hanging over the edge while trying to catch some z’s but the sofa couch provides a good size sleeping surface with an edge to keep them tucked in.

Great for the Senior in your life

As dogs age they begin to develop issues that can make sleep time more of a challenge. Their aging ligaments and joints require more support than when they were puppies. A sleeping surface with proper support can do wonders for your dog’s sleep quality and mobility. The foam base inside the liner is made with orthopedic foam which helps to support pressure points as well as provide circulation. Circulation is an important factor for older dogs. As dogs age their bodies become less efficient in many ways and one of the results can be overheating. The eggcrate design not only provides great support but more circulation than other designs to keep your pooch at the right temperature. One customer told this cute story about how their elderly dog took to this sofa couch:

“He is an elder dog who is terminal and needs an extra cozy bed as he is very thin, achy and needs the support. He wagged his lil nub tail and walked right over to the bed as soon as I unpacked it. He was excited and hopped right on. I swear he slept hours before moving which is rare for him.”

Amazon shopper


comfy support dog sofa couch

Sizes and Colors oh my!

No matter how big or small your fur baby is, the chances are you are going to find the right fit for your four-legged-friend. This sofa couch for dogs comes in a variety of sizes:

Small:  20″x15″

Medium: 30″ x 20″ x 6.25″ (3″ Foam Base)

Large: 36″ x 27″ x 6.5″ (3″ Foam Base)

Jumbo: 44″ x 35″ x 8″ (4″ Foam Base)

Jumbo Plus: 53″ x 42″ x 9.5″ (5″ Foam Base)

sofa couch sizes

Or as a quick reference one amazon shopper commented that the Jumbo size is perfect for their 100lb lab.

This sofa couch for dogs also comes in a variety of colors to fit your home décor. Available colors are: Espresso, Dark Sage, Stone Gray, and Marine Blue. We really liked this option as many dog sofas on the market only offer one color. Where is the fun in that?

Another thing to be aware of when picking your new dog couch is that the bed is offered in two different types of foam base. One is memory foam and the other is orthopedic foam. Although the two types are similar to each other they can have slightly different effects. Memory foam is specifically designed to contour when weight is put onto the surface, whereas Orthopedic foam provides great support too but doesn’t contour similarly. The differences between the two types are beyond the scope of this article but you can find out more about the differences here. Whichever you choose make sure that you pick the correct one at checkout. Although this product doesn’t have a lot of negative reviews, many of the negative reviews were attributed to the customer not realizing that their were two options to choose from and being disappointed with the product that arrived.

What about the Naysayers?

So as we mentioned most peoples’ experience with this sofa couch for their dog were very positive but there were negative reviews and they did have some common gripes. Fur Haven does indicate on their web page and product listing that this bed is not designed for excessive chewers, but what about lickers? One shopper said that although their pooch didn’t chew the bed they would lick the bed which resulted in some stains that were difficult to get out so be aware of that if you have a pooch that has a licking habit. Maybe it is time to get your dog some ice cream 😉

Another issue some negative reviewers had of this sofa couch was with the inner lining. They complained that the foam was thin and didn’t take shape up to the expected or desired thickness. It is important to note that Fur Haven makes it very clear on their product description to let the sofa couch decompress fully for 48 hours before use. We don’t know if this was the reason for the disappointing performance but we know that it can be an issue, so please, resist the temptation. Make sure to let the bed fully decompress before you let your pooch take a test ride. If you do have any issues with this sofa we have good news.

Awesome Company & Support

An awesome benefit of buying from Fur Haven is that they provide a 60 day worry free program on their beds which provides easy support and returns if you aren’t happy. It also comes with 90 day limited coverage for material defects. Every manufacturer will get the odd product wrong when they are making thousands of units. If you do happen to be one of the unlucky ones then you are covered by Fur Haven. The company is based in Bellham, Washington USA and the foam is 100% manufactured in the USA and is tested to meet 100% Certipur-US standards. You can rest assured that Your dog sofa is safe for your dog and the environment. It is manufactured without formaldehyde or known ozone depleters.

Final Thoughts

Just like a therapist would say: well it looks like we have run out of time for today. We hope that we have been helpful in making your decision on a sofa couch for dogs. Overall customers were very happy with this product. At the time of writing 76% of people who reviewed this sofa couch gave it a 4 star review or higher out of almost 44000 reviews. That is A LOT of people reviewing this product positively. This dog sofa isn’t the cheapest or the most expensive on the market. Most people found that Fur Haven strikes a near perfect balance of quality and price, so you should get your money’s worth on this one.

If you are still not sure whether or not this is the right choice for your fur baby. Check our our buying guide: Best Dog Beds on Amazon (2022)