
The Best Bed for Small Dogs on Amazon

So, a little disclaimer. We love all dogs. But we have a special place in our hearts for small dogs. Having been the owner of a Maltipoo and a Cockapoo we have completely fallen in love with many of the small dog breeds.

Small dogs are cuddly creatures but they often come with their own challenges over larger dogs. A lot of small dogs are called lapdogs for a reason. They often need to be close to their human a lot more than their larger counterparts.

Doggie anxiety can be problematic and there is no magic bullet, but the right bed for small dogs can do wonders to help with their anxious feelings.

purpose of a dog bed

The Cave Bed

cuddle cave spot ethical pets

The cave bed can be a great solution for your fur baby. This cave-like bed is great for dogs that are particularly cuddly or have anxious behaviors.

Dogs usually naturally seek out places that are covered to provide extra security and the cave bed can give them that sense of safety and security for nap time.

If you really want to implement this bed and create that safe environment for them you definitely want to

Pick a good spot for the bed that is out of the way.

Dogs thrive on routine and order, if you move their napping spot around all the time it won’t help with their feelings of security.

The real question is, will your dog like a cave bed? Although Dogs are all Dogs, they can have as many peculiarities as humans. They come with their own little personalities and preferences so not every dog may take to this  type of bed, but you may want to try it out. If your dog doesn’t like it you can always return it. We do full analysis and comparison of the best cave beds on Amazon. You can check it out here.

The Raised Bed

Raised dog beds are a great choice not just for small dogs but any dogs really, and they come with advantages over traditional dog beds.

First of all, they are much more chew proof than traditional foam and fabric beds. The nature of the design doesn’t provide many inspiring opportunities for chewing.

The fabric is tight with no protruding edges and the frame is usually made with aluminum or similar materials depending on the particular make and model.

Raised beds also perform very well indoors and outdoors. Raised beds don’t have layers of material that can get waterlogged and ruined.

Dog beds that are raised offer other advantages for small dogs as well.

Offering a raised surface can go a long way to making your dog feel more comfortable when it is time to sleep.

Our Cockapoo Saki (RIP) was black and when he was a puppy sometimes he would sleep on the floor. When the lights were dim he became an easy target for getting stepped on.

This worry of getting trampled he carried with him his entire life. From puppyhood on he demanded to either sleep on a couch or a lap.

If you think a raised bed might work for your home. Check out two reviews we have done here, and here.

Doughnut or (Donut) Bed

calming donut bed

If you weren’t hiding under a rock a few years back then you probably saw ads all over social media for the donut bed.

At the time it was the biggest craze and is still a good choice today.

The donut bed is great for many reasons. They are very plush and colorful which seems to naturally attract fur babies like bees to honey. Dogs just sink into these beds as they are so comfortable and supportive.

The outer rim of the donut provides just enough of a ridge to provide a sense of safety and nice head rest. If that wasn’t enough they are super easy to clean.

Unlike dog beds with removable covers you can throw the entire bed into the washer and dryer and they come out as good as new. If that wasn’t enough to sell you on a donut bed then the price point probably will. They are very reasonably priced and strike a really good mix of price and value. We go more in depth about one of the best donut beds on Amazon here.

Orthopaedic Dog Bed

It is a sad fact of life but even small dogs grow up and get old. One of the biggest paint points for older dogs is when they begin to develop arthritis in their joints and ligaments.

Mobility and overall quality of life can begin to wane as just getting to the food bowl can be a task. A good orthopedic bed can do wonders for your small furry friend.

The right support can mean a more restful and restorative sleep so that they can be more like their old selves.

Many customers were amazed when they saw the improvement in their fur babies mobility after just one night.

The right orthopedic or memory foam bed not only supports your dog’s joints but it also provides airflow due to the eggcrate design.

Airflow is also important for older dogs as they can tend to overheat more in their older age. If you think that an Orthopedic bed might be right for your fur baby you can find out more about a really great one here.

Chewproof Dog Bed

dog mental stimulation

If this is not the first time on our website then we apologize for repeating ourselves. We have seen dogs chew almost anything if they are bored enough.

No beds are 100% chew proof, but with that being said, some are much more durable and less likely to attract chewing. Some people found it more affordable to make their own chewproof dog bed by buying chew proof material on amazon and making their own stuffing out of old pillows etc.

We have a DIY article about it that you can check out here. It is certainly a budget friendly option. We cover some other dog beds that many users have reported that are virtually indestructible. You can read more about it here. If neither of those solutions work for you then the raised bed might be your best choice.

Phew! All Done.

Well, that is a pretty good roundup of some of the best dog bed solutions for small dogs.

Another challenge with small dogs is that they tend to need more warmth that big dogs. So if you happen to go with something like the raised, or kuranda bed, then you might want to observe your dog to make sure they are warm enough in their bed.

Have you had a good or bad experience with this or any other dog bed let us know in the comments.

We always want to find out more about real life user experiences. Hopefully our article helps you find the best bed for small dogs. 

If you are still not sure whether or not this is the right choice for your fur baby. Check our our buying guide: Best Dog Beds on Amazon (2022)