
Top Rated Puppy Bed on Amazon

Hey everybody we are back today looking at another dog bed for you. Here at we aim to bring you the good, the bad, and ugly truth on everything related to your dog’s nap time. We aggregate hundreds of reviews and look for the common threads of user experiences so that you can make a better buying decision. Today we are looking specifically at what is the best puppy bed on amazon. Whether you are old hat at being a fur baby parent or this is your first rodeo, we know that making purchases for your pup isn’t always easy. Hopefully we can provide you with the best choice for you and your puppy. We landed on this bed by amazon basics. So let’s take a look at the main features, benefits, and possible drawbacks of this particular puppy bed.

amazon basics puppy bed

Durability & Design

One of the first thing that we noticed is the appearance. This puppy bed has nice neutral color and design that will look great in just about any room of the house. No gawdy colors or prints here. The bed is pretty darn durable too, but first a disclaimer. Some people who purchased this bed reviewed it poorly as coming apart pretty quickly under the abuse of a heavy burrowing or chewing session. This bed is fairly water resistant but not necessarily water proof so keep that in mind if you have a dog who may have night time accidents. Overall though the negative experiences seem to be the exception to the rule. Here are some comments by real verified purchase reviews.

One reviewer said that not a stitch was out of place on the bed after the dog “tried to “burrow” through it multiple times and chews on it and pulls it around the room on the regular.” It is possible that some of the claims may have come from a manufacturing error. Even the best companies sometimes deliver a dud. But we do our best to give you the whole scoop, so just be aware that if your dog tears this one apart it might be a defective product, or you just happen to have a dog with a talent for destruction. Either way it seems like it is a thumbs up on durability. But for those particularly destructive dogs you may want to check out our articles on The top indestructible dog bed, and if you a hands on kind of person check out the dyi indestructible dog bed cover.

Easy to wash? Yes and no, mostly yes.

easy to clean puppy bed

The majority of people who purchased this were over the moon when it came to the cleanability of this bed. It is machine washable and it seems to stand up very well to a cycle in the washing machine if you follow a few cleaning tips from owners of this product.

wash it on a deep steam cycle and air drying it to avoid any damage

use low heat settings on your dryer for best results

On the flip side we noticed that this particular bed doesn’t have a removable cover. You have to wash the entire bed as a whole which is going to take up a large part of a washing machine load. Not the end of the world as most people said it came out of the machine looking better than the day that they unpacked it. Another thing to note is that the material inside the bed can be prone to bunching up in the wash. One reviewer said they had to knead out the bed from being very crumpled after every wash.

Snap, Crackle, & Pop

A gripe that some buyers had with this one is that there is a kind of plastic on the inside that makes a crackling noise when the puppy walks on it. This might not be a big deal depending on the personality or preferences of your pup. Some dogs like our Gus are particularly picky when it comes to sounds. If you have a skittish pup, the crackling sound might be enough for them to reject sleeping on this bed. Some owners said they were able to fix this by wrapping the entire bed in a blanket, if you aren’t into the idea of having to modify a new product than this could be a sticking point for you. We will let you decide that one.

crinkling puppy bed

It can be a slippery one

When we analyzed the most common complaints about this product it was that the bottom of the bed is on the slippery side. Probably not a big deal if you plan to place it on a carpeted surface or inside a crate but if you plan to place it on linoleum or hardwood surfaces you might be slip slidin’ away.

What about comfort

Unfortunately no dogs were available to make a comment on the comfort of this bed so we will have to go off of the best guesses of their humans. 😊 There are so many ultra-plush and super comfortable puppy beds on the market today so comfort can be a matter of taste. Some people who purchased this one were amazed at how their dog took to it right away and preferred it over other beds. It seems to be very comfortable for puppies or small dogs like a Jack Russell Terrier for example.

As always there is the flip side. A few customers weren’t happy with the support and found it to be more of a blanket than a proper bed with full support. This could come down to your puppy’s breed and weight. The heavier the pup the less the support. Some people complained that it can be lumpy and can tend to bunch up in spots. Out of all the reviews though, this wasn’t a very common complaint and might also have been simply a defective product but unfortunately, we have no way of confirming.

Let's wrap it up

Well that is all for now. If you read this article then you are the parent of a brand new puppy so we say congratulations! Having a puppy is a huge responsibility and also one of the greatest joys you can have. Hopefully we have made shopping for a new puppy bed just a little easier for you. If you are brand new to this whole dog mom or dad thing it can be very overwhelming knowing what to buy for them. If this article helped you out please share it with others so we can help more fur baby parents just like you.

If you are sold on this puppy bed and are ready to buy here are some product tips so that you can get the most out of your purchase:

Product Tips

  1. The product comes tightly compressed so be prepared to give it up to a full day in some instances to completely fluff out and decompress.
  2. If the crinkling sound the bed makes bothers your dog try wrapping it in a blanket. Or try encouraging  your dog to use the bed by putting a treat on it.
  3. Comes in Five Different Sizes. To make sure it will fit your pup, you can measure your fur baby when they are stretched out sleeping from end to end and add a few inches.
  4. Machine Wash, but air dry or use in dryer on low Heat
sizing puppy bed