
What is the purpose of a dog bed?

It is a legitimate question. If you grew up with parents like mine who were a little more “old school”, the family dog was outside, and if it was lucky he or she got to lay just inside the front door. YOU SHALL NOT PASS! Things have certainly changed since I was a kid. With more and more designer dog breeds than ever, people are much more used to the idea that the family dog is truly a part of the family. Between dog clothing, dog portraits, people wonder if the world has gone too soft. Do dogs actually need a bed? What is the purpose of a dog bed?

“Dogs are animals. They don’t have beds in the wild” Sure that is true. But dogs have come a long way since their wolf ancestors and most of today’s common breeds are not equipped at all to live in the wild. Dogs have been living with humans for so long it is hard to truly understand how much they have changed. They have come to rely on us and we have come to rely on them.  So you might wonder, am I just babying my dog or do they actually need their own bed. Well, you only have to look at our url and you can probably guess that we are going to say a resounding yes! But now let’s look at some of the reasons why this purchase might be a very good investment in the health and wellness of your pup.

Helps with anxiety

dog anxiety

Although we just got done discussing that dogs are indeed NOT wolves, they still share many of their basic instincts. Wolves and wild dogs by nature spend their rest and sleeping times in caves. The wilderness can be a dangerous place and a cave provides a safe place to get some rest. Dogs often feel vulnerable out in the open. They naturally gravitate towards enclosures and spaces they feel safe in to have a rest. Some dogs have the “burrowing” instinct stronger than others, and for some it comes down to an individual personality. If your dog is one of these you may want to look at creating a comfortable crate or comfortable space that is theirs and only theirs where they can rest.

My Cockapoo Saki, (RIP), was very specific as to where he felt safe enough to rest. Being fairly small and having a black coat, I hate to say he may have been accidentally kicked a few times in the night as a pup. ☹For the rest of his life, he couldn’t rest or sleep very well on the floor. If he did need to sleep on the floor to cool off, he knew instinctually to pick a place out of the flow of foot traffic. He would often pop up startled as soon as anyone walked within a 6 foot radius of his napping spot. His favorite spot to sleep would be in my bed, but if that couldn’t be accommodated, he greatly preferred an elevated dog bed. He would curl up in a blanket on the elevated bed and could rest knowing he wasn’t going to accidentally become a doggy football.

Helps with aging or ill dogs

purpose of dog bed

Losing Saki was one of the toughest losses I have experienced. He lived to a healthy 15 years of age. Towards the end of his life his arthritis clearly was beginning to bother him. Aging dogs need extra support for their joints and ligaments. A proper bed can support them and keep their joints warmer during sleep time. A proper orthopedic dog bed can do wonders for aging dogs, many times there is a visible improvement in their mobility once they are transitioned to a proper bed. Hip dysplasia is another common issue with certain breeds. If your dog falls into either of these categories then you definitely don’t want to make them sleep on a cold hard surface. Your dog will thank you for the extra comfort and support.

It saves them from sleeping in your bed!

Dogs don’t just sleep. They pile. If you have ever had the pleasure of watching puppies sleep, they naturally sleep in a dog pile. They stack on top of each other and make those cute grunting noises. In nature they do this obviously to stay warm, but dogs are pack animals and they really only feel safe and secure when they are close to the pack. If you are not into the idea of having your dog under the covers and taking up more space in the bed than you, then you definitely want to provide them with a comfortable bed that they actually want to use. A proper bed can provide the warmth that they seek from dog piling, and a proper dog bed design will give them edges, walls, or a roof to give them that feeling of security that they need to feel truly at peace to sleep.

In case you haven’t noticed dogs sleep A LOT more than humans. They spend anywhere from 14 to 18 hours or more per day sleeping or resting. Sleeping is a much more crucial part of their lives and contributes to the quality of their sleep and rest time. We know how critical sleep is to our health and well-being, how much more so is it for your dog?

So if you are convinced that your pooch need their own bed than you are probably wondering what kind of bed does my dog need? Well, that is kind of why we made this website. This is largely going to be decided by your dog’s age, their needs, their individual tastes and preferences. This question is probably outside the scope of this article, but here are some quick suggestions.

For a puppy or destructive dogIndestructible Dog Bed, or you can do a DYI Indestructible Dog Bed Cover

For an aging or recovering dogOrthopedic Dog Bed

For a skittish or fearful dogAn elevated Dog Bed

The Final Word

We are true believers that a dog is not an accessory. Too many people get themselves into having a dog without a true understanding of what it takes to have a thriving relationship with a dog. It is a relationship, a giant responsibility, and if you work hard at it, having a dog in your life becomes an art form. There is nothing quite as beautiful as a well-trained, socialized, and happy dog. Part of having a happy and fulfilled dog is to make sure you are providing everything they need for a restful sleep. Hopefully we have helped to answer some of your questions about dog beds. If you have any questions or comments feel free to drop us a comment or reach out to us. You can also check out our other blog posts for more information in selecting the right bed for you and your four legged friend.